Podcast: Marie-Hélène Yung-Théron in "Les 4 saisons du vin" by Sud-Ouest

Marie-Hélène Yung-Théron, owner of Château de Portets, was invited in the podcast “Les 4 saisons du vin”, by the newspaper Sud-Ouest…
In an interview with the newspaper Sud-Ouest, Marie-Hélène Yung-Théron adresses the reality of being a winemaker : « 4000 to 5000 of us, vine growers, are fighting to survive ».
Rising costs, power of the supermarkets, fashion trends on Bordeaux’ wines… With honesty and backed by her experience as head of Château de Portets, Marie-Hélène Yung-Théron draws the picture of a wine estate that now bets on wine tourism and quality brands, as the Ambassadeurs de Graves label, to ensure its future.
Listen to the full interview in the Sud-Ouest podcast (in french):